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1. A Hatchimal toy costs £34.  How much would 100 Hatchimals cost?


2. There are 100 ipads in each school in the whole of London. There are 654 schools in London. How many ipads are there in schools in London altogether?


3. The capacity of Hayes FC’s stadium is 4045 seats. Liverpool’s stadium has a capacity for a hundred times more spectators. What is the capacity of Liverpool’s stadium?





  1. A Hatchimal toy costs £34.  How much would 100 Hatchimals cost? £3400


  1. There are 100 ipads in each school in the whole of London. There are 654 in London. How many ipads are there in schools in London altogether? 65400 ipads


  1. The capacity of Hayes FC’s stadium is 4045 seats. Liverpool’s stadium has a capacity for a hundred times more spectators. What is the capacity of Liverpool’s stadium? 404,500 spectators