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Mission Christmas Appeal

Dear Parents and Guardians,


We write to you regarding our hope for all children this Christmas, as we think about the many families for whom Covid-19 Restrictions and the ongoing closure of businesses, brings with it uncertainty, worry and unforeseen financial hardship this year.


Many people have lost their jobs, or are unable to work because the sector in which they work has had to remain closed for long periods of time.


It can be very difficult to manage through these times of uncertainty, even more so as we come up to Christmas, and we want to help where we can.


Each year in Brooklands, we are always so grateful for the thought that goes into gifts for staff within school, it really is so kind of our families to do so, and we thank you so much for those thoughts and appreciation shown.


This year however, we would like children to benefit from this kindness instead, where you feel able.


As such, we would like to support the local Cool FM appeal called 'Mission Christmas', where an extra gift can be bought and donated for children of all ages, from babies to teens, and distributed to families who need it most, in time for Christmas.


We would like to support this appeal, as a staff and school community, to help ensure the families who need help most this year, can get it.


If you feel able to give an extra gift this year, there will be a box within our porch at the front door, into which these new, unwrapped gifts can be safely dropped off. 


Brooklands Primary School will then deliver these gifts to an official collection point by the 11th December 2020.


We would encourage all of our families who may find themselves struggling this year, in ways you could never have foreseen, to register with Mission Christmas.


This campaign is there to support local families, and help spread love and joy this year, a year in which it is so needed, and so important.


Sincerest thanks this Christmas,


From all of the Staff of Brooklands Primary School
