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Covid-19 Update

Dear Parents,


As you will be aware we are presently facing significant difficulties in keeping all the classes open. Unfortunately I have had to close classes this week due to staff shortages. At this time there is a severe shortage of substitute teachers to cover when a class teacher is absent. I am presently using all available Literacy Support and Engage Programme teaching staff to cover classes and I am doing my very best to keep closures to an absolute minimum. I am also trying to give parents as much notice as possible if a class is closing but please understand that last minute closures can sometimes be unavoidable.


At this stage all classes will be open on Monday 29th November and parents will be contacted if this changes over the weekend.


I am doing all I can in school to keep the children and staff safe. Our building supervisor, Mr McMillen, will be in school over the weekend, with support from cleaning staff, deep cleaning all classrooms and communal areas. We continue to pay a cleaner to be on duty throughout the school day to constantly sanitise door handles, hand rails and clean toilet areas. Staff have been asked to wear masks when moving around the school and to socially distance when reasonably possible.


To support us I would continue to request that if you have a positive case of Covid-19 in your household you keep your child at home and please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms of the virus. Please socially distance, avoid congregating in groups and wear masks at drop off and collection times.


Schools across Northern Ireland are facing significant challenges at this time and I appreciate your support, understanding and patience as I continue to do all that I can to keep Brooklands a safe environment for the whole school community.


Yours faithfully,


Mr. J. Armstrong
