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Famous Faces invade Brooklands!


Well, well, well... what a fantastic fundraising day we enjoyed at Brooklands Primary School on FAMOUS FACES FRIDAY! We had famous TV and movie stars, celebrities, sportsmen, historical figures and even members of the Royal Family all in attendance! A huge THANK YOU to all staff and pupils who made the effort to dress up and join in the fun. 


Staffroom stars had to be Mrs Millar as Nanny McPhee and the one and only Mr Devlin as Bruce Forsyth (complete with toupee and moustache of course!).


At present we have raised a whopping £585 to add to our ongoing 'Asfaw' total- WELL DONE ONE AND ALL! All of this money and hopefully much more will be presented to our friend Rev Tim Kinahan at the end of this school year to help support our link school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Have a look through our photos below to see who you know...more to follow in the next few days or week!
