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Welcome Back Information August 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,


We are delighted to welcome the children into Brooklands Nursery and Primary School, after what we hope was a safe and happy summer break.


In line with recommendations made to schools by the Minister of Education, we will continue to operate within class 'bubbles' this term and will review this before the October half-term break. 


This will enable us to limit contact between pupils and staff and provide the Public Health Agency with Track and Trace information, should that be necessary. 


School bags will remain within cloakroom areas and on PE days, children should come to school wearing trainers. Children will not change into PE kit at this time. 


We will continue to have a cleaner on site throughout the school day.


Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell, or displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. 


Doors will continue to open at 0840 each morning, with doors closing at 9am. Any pupils arriving after 9am must report to the main front entrance.


Normal finishing times will apply, including a 3pm finish on Wednesday for P4-7 pupils. 


We remind parents and carers to adhere to social distancing as much as is possible when within school grounds. 


Please ensure that cars are not driven onto school grounds, unless previous permission has been granted. This is to ensure the safety of all of our pupils. It is for this reason that dogs must not be brought onto school grounds either. 


Breakfast Club will open on Monday 30th August at 8am, with entrance through the main front door. Children must arrive by 0830 at the lastest. Breakfast Club will cost £1 per day, payable in cash, on arrival. 


School dinners will resume on Wednesday 1st September and must be booked using our Eduspot Payment App. 


Our After-School provision will commence on Monday 6th September. If you completed a Registration of Interest Form, but as yet have not returned your Confirmation Letter, please do so by Wednesday 1st September 2021. 


If circumstances allow, our intention would be to commence a programme of After-School Activities for pupils following the half-term break. This will be subject to guidance at that time and more information will follow. 


As we are still unable to welcome parents into school for curriculum meetings at the start of the school year, teachers will share information regarding the year ahead by letter instead. These letters, which will include information such as your child's PE days, will be sent home with your child on Wednesday 8th September.


May we take this chance to thank you for your continued support, as we look forward to a new and exciting year in Brooklands.


Kind Regards,


J. Armstrong
