The NI Revised curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives.
- To develop the young person as an individual
- To develop the young person as a contributor to society,
- To develop the young person as a contributor to the economy and environment
This will be done by infusing curriculum skills and capabilities across all learning areas, fostering attitudes and dispositions, incorporating assessment for learning and promoting learning experiences.
Literacy and Language
The Arts - Art and Design, Music
Mathematics and Numeracy
Personal Development
Physical Education
The World Around Us - Geography, History, Science and Technology
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Each class teacher has responsibility for Religious Education with overall schemes being co-ordinated to provide sequential progression. Local clergy are given the opportunity to work with senior classes and to participate in special events. Corporate worship takes place weekly with each class being given the opportunity to participate on specified days.
Children whose parents may not wish them to take part in corporate or daily worship may be provided with alternative facilities.