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Literacy 24th February

Scroll down below literacy introduction for lesson videos.

Odd one out!


Good morning P3 and welcome to Wicked Wednesday. We are going to have some fun again! Today we are learning to spot the odd one out in a set and give a reason for our answer.


Odd one out is the one that is different. It is unique and stands out from the other words or pictures in the set.  Let's take a closer look at a set of words and see if you can spot the odd one out.


banana     apple     peach       towel       strawberry     pineapple


Which of the words above is the odd one out? Yes of course, it is the towel.

Reason: A towel is not a fruit.


Take a look at the video for lots more examples and an explanation of your task today.


Remember to choose the level that is right for you.


HC- Higher level challenge

MC- Middle level challenge

LC- Lower level challenge


Good luck P3 and enjoy your odd one out challenge today smileyheart

Literacy - odd one out

Literacy introduction

Literacy Odd One Out 1

Odd one out activity 1

Literacy Odd One Out 2

Odd one out activity 2
