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Literacy 8th February

Scroll down below lesson introduction for lesson videos. smiley

Good Morning P3 and welcome to Marvellous Monday 8th February! laughheartHope everybody is well and ready for another literacy challenge.


You have been learning all about Antarctic animals with a particular focus last week on seals. Today you are going to complete a Leopard Seal Comprehension.


Now P3, you are amazing at comprehensions and have completed excellent comprehensions during lockdown already! We know that all the answers to the comprehension questions are in the TEXT

1. Firstly we need to make sure we read the text a couple of times to understand the passage.

2. Read the questions very carefully.

3. Underline or highlight the answers in the text.

4. Write our answer in a full sentence with a capital letter and full stop (we never write a single word answer in P3).

5. Check over our answers.


Comprehensions can be challenging so take your time P3. Remember to select the level that is right for you.


HC - High level challenge

MC - Medium level challenge

LC- Lower level challenge.


Best of luck P3 and remember as long as you do your best, Miss McWilliams, Mrs Connery and I will be very proud of you.

HC & MC Leopard Seals - Comprehension.

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Part 1

Comprehension continued......

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Part 2

LC Leopard Seal Comprehension Explanation

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