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Covid-19 Update

As you will doubtless be aware from watching the news, schools are coming under increasing pressure with the number of positive Covid-19 cases in classrooms. Our thoughts are with any people connected to Brooklands, children and adults, who are unwell and we hope they make a swift and full recovery.


To clarify our position I have summarised our policy below which is linked to the guidelines from the Education authority.


If a person in a class tests positive all children in the class will have to stay at home and book a PCR test immediately. The school will email a letter to you at this time with further information. It is vital that we have an up to date email address so please contact me at if this is not the case.


Your child must self-isolate until the result is available. If the test is negative your child can return to school. I would request that before your child returns to school you email evidence of a negative test result to the class teacher. You then need to book another test for Day 8, which is 8 days from the last contact with the person who tested positive.


If either test is positive your child needs to self-isolate for 10 days from the date of the test.


In the event of there being a positive case in your household I ask that you keep your child/children at home for 10 days as we attempt to try and limit the spread of the virus in school. Work will be provided if children have to isolate for this reason.


When on school grounds please continue to respect social distancing guidelines and you may want to consider wearing a mask. A one way system is in operation in the P1/2 playground and is clearly marked.


At this time I appreciate your support as we all work together to keep school a safe environment for all pupils and staff.


Kind regards,


J. Armstrong
