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Covid Update

Dear Parents and Guardians,


May I take this opportunity to welcome the children back to school once more, after our extended half-term break. 


New guidance issued yesterday from the Department of Education now states that 'PE can only be provided outdoors in a maximum group of fifteen and should be non-contact.'


This new guidance means that we will be unable to offer PE as part of our curriculum, until such times as this guidance changes. 


We feel that Physical Education is a vital part of the school curriculum and so important for children's physical and mental health and well-being, but we must adhere to this new guidance given to schools. 


As per yesterday's text message sent, could we again stress the vital importance of exiting the playground immediately after drop-off and collection times. 


When on school premises please remember to observe social distancing guidelines and if able to, please consider the use of face coverings at these times. 


Thank you for your continued support in helping to keep everyone safe.


Kindest Regards,


Mr J. Armstrong.







