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P1-3 School Restart

Dear P1-P3 Parents and Guardians, 


We are delighted that school will be reopening for these year groups from Monday 8th March 2021 for a two-week period. 


School will remain open for pupils on St. Patrick's Day.


Entry for pupils will be through their normal doors from 0840 until 0900 each morning. 


To slightly stagger finish times and reduce congestion in the playground the pupils' finish times will be as follows:

P1 at 1350 each day

P2 at 1400 each day

P3 at 1400 Monday / Wednesday / Friday and 1500 each Tuesday and Thursday.


School dinners will be available as usual and the menu will be posted on our website.


Unfortunately, Education Authority guidance does not allow us to reopen our Breakfast Club at this time. 


When in school, the children will remain within their class 'bubbles' as they did previously.


There will be no written homework set for your child during this two-week period, as we focus upon settling the children back into school life, routines and their readiness to learn.


We hope this finds you all well and look forward to the time when we are able to welcome all of our pupils back into Brooklands. 


Kind Regards,


J. Armstrong






