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School PE Uniform

School PE Uniform


Dear Parents/Guardians


With the importance of PE in school and the focus on physical exercise we have decided to offer you the opportunity to purchase a Brooklands PE uniform which your child may wear to school on the days of their designated class PE lessons. While this is not compulsory we thought it would help promote the importance of PE throughout the school and your child would enjoy wearing it to school on their PE day instead of their school uniform. The items and costs are:


PE hoodie £17.50

PE polo shirt £10

Navy tracksuit bottoms £15

These will be available to purchase from our uniform supplier, Uniformstore NI, on Monday 28TH November from 8.30 to 9.30am and from 1.30-3.15pm in the school playground under the canopy outside the assembly hall situated in the school playground. Please bring cash as payment by card will not be available. If you cannot make it at these times they will also be available from their shop which is situated at 61 High Street, Newtownards, BT23 7HS (next to House Proud), 07498739606.

As previously stated this is not compulsory and your child can continue to wear his/her school polo shirt, school jumper and dark plain tracksuit bottoms to school on their class PE day.


We look forward to continue to promoting the importance and benefits of PE in school and providing enjoyable, fun PE lessons.








