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Supporting Primary School Children of Key Workers in Brooklands

As you will know we have been instructed to close from the end of school today. However, Brooklands will be open from Monday 23rd March to support primary school children of identified key workers and children with a statement of special educational need.

It is vitally important that we are aware of how many children will have to attend school on Monday.

With this in mind if you are an identified key worker or your child has a statement of special educational need, and your only option is to send your child to school, please make contact with school by 2pm today either by email to or by phoning the office on Tel: 028 9048 7589.

Before contacting school, please pay particular attention to the points below. Schools will not be able to operate a ‘normal’ school day. Schools are already operating with a significant reduction in staffing and this will probably continue to get worse over time. Staff are also preparing work for home learning during this period.

Points to consider:

  • Only children with BOTH parents working as key workers and both parents out at work at the same time should consider attending school.
  • In single parent families the main carer MUST be a key worker.
  • If you are working part time only send your children to school on the days you are working
  • If possible alternative child care arrangements should be sought before deciding to send your child to school, for example with other family members or friends.
  • School MUST be used as a last resort.
  • This is to try and limit the number of children and adults together in a small space in line with the recent social distancing guidance.
  • Normal opening and closing times will apply, there will be NO Breakfast Club or Two O’ Clock Club.
  • Children attending will be required to wear their school uniform.
  • Schools will be performing child care duties at this time. All schools are experiencing severe staff shortages and are expected to provide home learning at the same time.
  • For this reason, we will not be engaging with parents on teaching programmes or curriculum content during this period.

There are currently discussions around how we provide lunch during the school closure period for children entitled to Free School Meals. As yet, there is no clear guidance on this but we will be in touch as soon as this arrives. If your child is attending school on Monday, please provide a lunch.

Given the alarming pace of change in terms of what we are being instructed to do the content of this letter MUST be read in the full knowledge that this situation could change at any time. Any changes will be communicated by text.

As a Key Worker, if it is your only option to send your child to school we will look after them with care and understanding as we strive to support you in your important role.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your service to our community.

J. Armstrong
