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week 10

Week 10

Week beg 08/06/20



World Around Us


8th June


Log on to your Bug Club account

Choose a book to read – don’t forget to click on the bugs and answer their questions!


Similes 1  


We are learning to recognise and use similes.


You will need the resources - similes intro powerpoint and similes activity.


A simile is a comparison between two things using ‘as’ or ‘like’ e.g. as sly as a fox, as proud as a peacock, swim like a fish


Similes are often used in stories and try to create a picture in the reader’s mind.


Read the similes powerpoint and then complete the similes activity.


Challenge – can you create any of your own similes P3?

Data Handling - Pictogram


Oral counting – count forwards in 5s from 5 to 100 in a loud voice.


We are learning to read and interpret data.


You will need the resource data handling_fruit_pictogram


Look at the fruit pictogram.

Each piece of fruit represents 2 children.

Read the questions.

Can you answer the questions by reading the information on the pictogram?


Think, Pair, Share with your grown up –

can you think of any strategies that would help you calculate the answers?


Well done if you said counting in 2s and making a list of how many children liked each fruit, before beginning to answer the questions.


Read the information carefully P3!



Farm – Growing crops (wheat)


Food Hunt 2


Today we are thinking about some of the crops that can grow on a farm.


You will need the resources – wheat growing year and growing wheat power points.


Farmers grow many crops such as cereals,  fruits and vegetables. If you think back to our food topic you will remember that these foods help us have a balanced, healthy diet.


Cereals are types of grasses that are grown for the edible parts of the grain. They are one of the biggest crops grown around the world.


Today you are going to have another lovely food hunt.


How many foods in your kitchen can you find that contain wheat, oats, barley, rye, maize(corn) or rice?


Hint – think about the food people eat for breakfast to get you started!


Remember P3 to tidy up when you are finished!


9th June


Log on to your Bug Club account.  Choose a book to read.

Can you find any verbs in your book?


Similes 2  


We are learning to use similes.


You will need the resources - similes intro powerpoint and similes rainbow activity.


Today P3 you are going to use your knowledge of similes to create a similes rainbow.


Over the last few months you have drawn and displayed many beautiful rainbows. Today you are going to use similes to create your rainbow.


You will need the resource similes rainbow activity.


You may wish to read the powerpoint again to remind you what a simile is.

Directions- following directions


Oral counting – count backwards in 2s from 60 to 30 in a whisper voice.


You will need the resources position and directions warm up_pp, pirate petes map, and pirate petes direction.


Today we are learning to follow directions.


Look at the Power Point position and directions warm up.  Read and answer the questions.


Make sure you know your left from your right !


Challenge Activity – Pirate Pete is very messy and has lost all his things around the island. Can you read and follow the directions to help him find his belongings?




Farm – Chickens 1


Last week we were learning about cows and dairy farming. This week we are going to be learning about chickens.


You will need the resources chicken facts power point and all about chickens activity.


Have you ever visited a farm? If you visit an open farm in spring baby chicks are always lovely to see with their yellow, fluffy feathers.


Read the chicken facts power point to find out more about chickens.


Then can you use this information to complete the all about chickens activity ?





10th June


Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book to read.

What was the most interesting part of your book? Why?


Little Red Hen capital letters and full stops.


You will need the resources - Red Hen Story_ powerpoint, Red Hen eBook and Red Hen capital letters and full stops activity.


Today we will be revisiting a familiar story linked to farming – Little Red Hen.


You may remember from P1 the lovely, fluffy Red Hen hand puppet!


Red Hen grew wheat and made bread, but forgot capital letters and full stops in her story!!


Read the story of Little Red Hen and then complete the capital letters and full stops activity.


P4 teachers are always very impressed when boys and girls remember their capital letters and full stops!

Number – adding three numbers


Oral counting – count forwards in

10s from 10 to 100 in a funny voice.



You will need the resource add 3nos.

Choose your level P3 Lions & Elephants or Giraffes


Today we are learning to add three numbers.


The P4 teachers will be very impressed with your number skills!


Count carefully P3!

Farm – Chickens 2


Today we are continuing to learn about farm animals – chickens.


You will need the resources label a chicken and vocabulary activity.


Can you label the body parts of a chicken? You will need the resource label a chicken to help you. Can draw and label your own picture or print this page.

Challenge – vocabulary activity.


Can you match the correct word with its meaning?


P3, this is similar to the dictionary work we started before school closed.


11th June


Log on to your Bug Club account.

Choose a book to read.

Who is the author of your book? Does your book have an illustrator? Who?


Farm Poster

You will need the resources – visit the farm poster example and visit the farm poster activity.


P3 do you remember the fabulous posters you created for a Cinderella Show?


These posters were very useful because you included important information such as the time and cost of the show.

They were also very colourful!

Today you are going to use your imagination and create a visit the farm poster.


Information to include in your poster –


  • name of your farm
  • location of your farm
  • when your farm is open
  • how much it costs to visit
  • the animals on your farm
  • any shop/coffee shop

(Miss McWilliams and Mrs Connery love a visit to a coffee shop!)


Use the resources to help you.


We look forward to seeing your posters P3, don’t forget to share them with us!

Number – Tens and units


Oral counting – count backwards from 70 to 20 in a bored voice.


You will need the resource tens and unit power point and tens and units activity.


Look at the powerpoint – can you partition the numbers?


Now look at the tens and units egg activity.

Can you add the missing numbers?


Don’t forget to check your calculations P3!







Farm-Chickens 3


Today we have our final activity on chickens.


Can you use your knowledge to write some facts about chickens?


You will need the resource chicken facts activity. You can write your own sentences or print this page.


12th June


Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book.

Focus on reading with expression P3, your P4 teachers will be impressed!


Parable of the Sower


You will need the resource parable of the sower powerpoint and parable of the sower sentences activity.


When Jesus was talking to crowds of people he often told parables.  A parable is a story with a message. After Jesus told a parable he would explain what it meant.


Read the story, the parable of the sower and then complete the activity.

Problem solving- Fred’s Fruit Shop


Oral counting – count forwards and clap from 50 to 150 !



More lovely problem solving P3 – don’t forget RUCSAC!



You will need the resource Fred’s Fruit Shop.

Choose your level P3 Lions & Elephants or Giraffes


Can you solve the fruit shop problems?


Farm – Farm Art


We are learning to explore colour and be creative.


Another creative Friday P3! Miss McWilliams and Mrs Connery miss seeing all your art work up in our classrooms, so please share your pictures.


Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch painter. He was born in 1853. He painted lots of pictures inspired by nature. One of his series of paintings was inspired by wheat fields.


The resource wheat field with crows has a picture of the painting for you to look at.


Today you are going to draw, paint or make a collage of your own wheat field picture inspired by Vincent Van Gogh.


We look forward to seeing your creations P3!

