Week 11 Week beg 15/06/20 |
Literacy |
Numeracy |
World Around Us |
Monday 15th June |
Reading Log on to your Bug Club account www.activelearnprimary.co.uk Choose a book to read – don’t forget to click on the bugs and answer their questions!
Farm Animal Homes
You will need the resources animal homes powerpoint and animal homes activity.
Farm animals live in different places around the farm eg a horse lives in a stable.
Read the power point and then complete the activity.
Choose your group P3 – red and green or blue. |
Number - Doubles
Go to www.topmarks.co.uk and search for Hit the Button – Doubles
Have fun trying to achieve a new high score!
Now can you complete the doubles activity? You will need the resources doubles/near doubles.
Choose your level P3! |
Farm – Farming in the past
You will need the resource farming then and now.
Look at the photos of farming in the past and farming today. Can you spot any differences?
Tuesday 16th June |
Reading Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book to read. Can you find any adjectives in your book?
Farm full stop or question mark revision
You will need the resource full stop or question mark activity.
Today we are revising when to use a full stop and when to use a question mark.
Read the sentences about the farm and decide which you need to use.
Choose your group P3 – red and green or blue. |
Money revision – Brookies Animal Market
Go to www.topmarks.co.uk and search for Place Value Basketball
Can you get the ball in the net?
The farmer has gone to market to buy some new animals. Can you calculate how much they cost?
You will need the resource Brookies Animal Market.
Choose your level P3! |
Farm – Tractors and Harry Ferguson
You will need the resources harry ferguson tractor pp and invention recording page.
We were learning about famous people from history. Harry Ferguson is famous for inventing a device that made farming easier.
Harry Ferguson was from Northern Ireland.
Read the powerpoint Harry Ferguson to find out more about him.
Now, you need to use your imagination P3 – if you were an inventor what would you invent to make a job easier?
Miss McWilliams and Mrs Connery both agree that a robot to do our ironing for us would be a wonderful invention!
We can’t wait to see your ideas. |
Wednesday 17th June |
Reading Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book to read. Did you enjoy the book? Why?
Writing - Scarecrow
You will need the resource describe the scarecrow.
We are learning to use adjectives in our writing.
Look at the picture of the scarecrow. Write some sentences to describe him. Think about his clothing, what he is made from, where you would find him and how he feels.
Don’t forget to use describing words (adjectives) to make your writing more interesting. |
Number revision 1
Go to www.topmarks.co.uk and search for Daily 10
Choose your level – Level 1 or Level 2 Choose addition up to 25 CHALLENGE – try up to 100
Now for some lovely number bonds revision! Your P4 teacher will be very impressed if you know your number bonds. You will need the resource number bonds revision_robot
Farm – Pigs
Today we are learning about pigs – rare breed pigs.
A rare breed is an animal in danger of becoming extinct.
You will need the resources rare breed pigs powerpoint and pig facts activity.
Read the PowerPoint about pigs then use this information to write some facts about them.
Thursday 18th June |
Reading Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book to read. Focus on reading with expression P3, it makes listening to the story more interesting.
Phonics revision
You will need the resource phonics game pp.
Today we are revising our phonics. We are thinking about real words and nonsense words as well as missing letters.
Sound out the words P3! |
Number revision 2
Go to www.topmarks.co.uk search for Shark Numbers
Choose your level I can do it – up to 29 Think carefully – up to 59 Challenge – up to 99
Now for some more lovely number bonds revision!
You will need the resource number bonds revision 2
You can write the number bonds on a page if you don’t have a printer.
Farm- Farm Safety
We are learning how to keep safe on farms.
Farms are very interesting places but they can also be very dangerous.
Take some time now with your Thinking Partner (your grown up) to talk about what you think would be the dangers on a farm.
Write a list of your ideas. Now log on to the C2K Junior Newsdesk and search for Staying safe on the farm.
Watch the video, and check your list at the end, did you predict any of the dangers shown on the video?
Now, can you use all this information to help you design a Farm Safety poster?
What will be on your poster? Animals, machines, closing gates ? |
Friday 19th June |
Reading Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book. If your book was a fiction book, who was your favourite character and why?
Farm Animals Puzzle
You will need the resource farm animals puzzle.
A fun activity for Friday!
Read the clues and guess the name of the farm animal. |
Problem solving revision-
Go to www.topmarks.co.uk search for Mental Maths Train
Choose your level I can do it – up to 10 Think carefully – up to 20 Challenge – up to 100
You will need the resource Farmer Joe’s Problems. Choose your level.
Farmer Joe is still having a lot of problems on his farm! Can you help him solve his problems by calculating the correct answers? |
Farm – Design a Scarecrow
Creative Friday!
Can you design your own scarecrow?
Will you draw or paint your scarecrow? Will you use collage materials or junk art?
Don’t forget to give your scarecrow a name!