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week 8

Week 8

Week beg 25/5/20



World Around Us


25h May

Bank Holiday Monday – have a fun day with the family, no home learning today !


26th May


Log on to your Bug Club account.  Choose a book to read.

Focus on reading with expression today.


Adjectives – P3 can you remember what an adjective is? Well done if you said describing word. We were very impressed with the adjective tasks you sent us from two weeks ago – good job P3!


Today we would like you to think about describing farm animals.


You will need the resource farm _adjectives.


Look at the pictures of the farm animals write an adjective to describe them.



Data Handling – Venn diagrams Farm Animals and Pets


Oral counting – count backwards from 60 to 10 in a loud voice.


We are learning to sort using a Venn diagram.


P3 do you remember we used a Venn diagram to sort food and shape last week? This week we are going to sort farm animals and pets.


You will need the resources Venn diagram template and Venn diagram pictures.


We would love to see pictures of your sorting!



The Farm-

P3 our new topic is the farm.  We will be thinking about how food and farming are linked.


Unfortunately, we were not able to visit the farm this year but we have a very special video for you to watch.


Did you know we have a teacher in Brooklands who lives at Streamvale Farm?


Miss Duggan from P7 lives at Streamvale.  She took a walk around the farm and filmed some animals especially for us. Enjoy watching her video.


Which animal in the video is your favourite?


P3 do you know why farms are important?

Read the resource why farms are important.


Do you have any questions about Streamvale Farm for Miss Duggan?


If you have a question write it down and send it to Miss McWilliams and Mrs Connery We will send your questions to Miss Duggan.


27th May


Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book to read.

Talk to a grown up about your favourite part of the book. Explain why you enjoyed it.


Poetry – Down on the Farm


You will need the resources –

farm-poetry powerpoint

farm_poetry poem

farm_poetry questions


Read the poem Down on the Farm from the Powerpoint. Discuss with your grown up. What animals live on the farm? What are their names? What do they look like? Which animal would you most like to meet and why?


Now look at the poetry questions activity. Can you answer the questions? The Powerpoint will help you.


Finally, try reading the poem again from the poetry page. Ask your grown up to help you with tricky words. Can you read it in a loud, clear voice?

Number – more than/less than 1


Oral counting – count forwards, in 2s from 22 to 64, in a funny voice


P3 we are learning to compare numbers.

and we are learning to use new signs  –     less than <            

more than >

equals       =


You will need the resources –

intro_ greater less than_powerpoint


crocodile comparison


Look at the greater than less than powerpoint. Look at the symbols carefully.


 We have met the = sign before P3 but       < and > are new signs.


We think these signs look like hungry crocodiles mouths who eat numbers !


Can you compare numbers using these signs?

Go to the Crocodile Comparison resource and have a go.


It’s tricky but you can try P3! Don’t give up!

The Farm- Farm Animals


We hope you enjoyed your farm video yesterday.


Today we are learning about farm animals.

You will need the resources –

farm _animal facts powerpoint

farm_animal facts activity and

farm_farm animals what am I powerpoint


Read the powerpoint about farm animals, this information will help you complete today’s activity.


Now look at the activity page. Can you fill in the missing information?


Finally, have fun trying to guess what animals are hiding in the What am I? powerpoint




28th May


Log on to your Bug Club account.

Choose a book to read.

Explore the cover of your book – does it have an author and an illustrator? What are their names? Have you read any books by the author before?


WritingFarmyard Fun


You will need resource farm_describe the picture


Look at the picture of Farmer Brown’s farm.


Can you write some sentences describing what you can see?


Challenge – can you use any adjectives in your writing?


Don’t forget P3 – capital letters and full stops, and you know we love neat writing!



Number – more than/less than 2


Oral counting – count backwards from 84 to 34 in a grumpy voice


P3 we are continuing to compare numbers.

and we are learning to use the signs  –       less than <            

more than >

equals       =


You will need the resources –

compare numbers and crocodile posters.


Can you compare these numbers?

Use the crocodile posters to help you.




The Farm- Animal homes


You will need the resource farm_animal homes power point


Do you know where animals live on a farm?

Read the farm animals powerpoint to find out more about habitats on the farm.


Challenge – P3, Farmer Brown needs your help…


Farmer Brown went out to the farmyard this morning to discover his hen house had got damaged in the wind and rain.


The roof and the door of the hen house have been destroyed. The hens have nowhere to shelter. Farmer Brown is very worried that Mr Fox could now catch some hens for his dinner !!


Can you help Farmer Brown design a new hen house?


Draw and label your design or create a hen house from junk materials.


We can’t wait to see your designs, so send us a photo!


29th May


Log on to your Bug Club account. Choose a book to read.

What has been your favourite book to read this week and why?


You will need the resource Farmer Duck Extract.


Look at the picture of Farmer Duck and the lazy farmer. Talk to your grown-up about how you think the Duck feels. How can you tell? How would you help Farmer Duck feel better?

Problem solving – Balmoral Show Maths Problems.


Oral counting – count forwards in 5s from 15 to 75 in a happy voice


The Balmoral Show is a farming show that happens every year in Northern Ireland. This usually takes place in spring time. Farmers and their families enter their animals into competitions to try to win prizes.


Can you solve the farming maths problems?

You will need the resource Balmoral Show_powerpoint

The Farm- Animals


How many farm animals can you think of?


Write a list and illustrate your list.


The resource farm animal list may help you.




