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WAU/Art 26th February

  Good morning P3 and

           welcome to Friday ! 





We are learning about Houses and Homes.



It's Friday and it's time to get creative P3 !



Today we are going to be learning about a man called Antoni Gaudi. He was a famous Spanish architect. An architect is a person who designs houses.



Gaudi got his ideas from the patterns, shapes and colours he saw on animals, plants,caves and mountains.


Have a look at the photos below of two of Gaudi's famous houses in Barcelona, Spain.

They are called the Casa Mila and the Casa Batllo. Many people go to visit these houses when they visit the city.










Next watch the video below of the amazing Casa Batallo!

Casa Batlló - Barcelona - Spain - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Casa Battlo

As you can see from the photos and video, Gaudi used lots of different shapes, colours, pattern. He often used a mosaic style. Read the Power Point below to find out more about Gaudi.

Today we would like you to draw/design a house in the style of Gaudi.


What shape will your house be ?

What colours and patterns will you use ?



All you need to complete your task is a page and any art and craft materials you have at home. You might want to use crayons, felt tips, paint or coloured pencils.


We can't wait to see these P3, we know they are going to be amazing !!

