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World Around Us 2nd March

Good morning and welcome to Tuesday!


We are learning about Victorian houses.


 Today we are going to be learning about Victorian houses.


 Victorian houses were built from brick and had glass windows. They had chimneys as the houses were heated by fires. They did not have garages or driveways. There were very few cars around and you had to be very rich to own one!


 Many people today still live in houses that were built in the Victoria era but these houses will have changed a lot over time.


 One of the biggest differences you will notice is Victorian houses did not have electricity.


 Read or listen to the Power Point below to find out more.


Victorian Houses Power Point

 Today you are going to read some facts about Victorian houses and decide if they are True or False.


 Remember P3, the Power Point will help you decide!


 All you need to complete this task is a pencil and a page.


Choose your level carefully P3!


HC=Higher Level Challenge

MC=Middle Level Challenge

LC=Lower Level Challenge



Have fun P3 Superstars !!

