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Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians


This term our World Around Us topic is going to be the Ancient Egyptians.

We will do some introduction lessons to this when we are back in the classroom but feel free to research this over the next week, watch some videos on YouTube (make sure an adult checks they are appropriate), complete art projects etc.


Today we are going to learn how to draw an Egyptian Pharaoh.

Read the information on Duckster's website (if you go to the bottom of the page you can press play to have the page read out to you.)

Watch the short video about Ancient Egypt.


Complete the drawing tutorial and send us a snap.


Enjoy! :)

ANCIENT EGYPT: The Pharaoh civilisation | Educational Videos for Kids

Ancient History is soo fascinating! 😮 it's amazing that we know so much about so long ago! 😊 👉SUBSCRIBE TO HAPPY LEARNING!👉...

How To Draw An Ancient Egyptian King And Queen (Pharaoh)

Learn how to draw an ancient Egyptian king and queen (cartoon version). These ancient rulers were also referred to as Pharaohs. Join our monthly membership a...
