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Maths Challenges!

Answers to yesterday's challenges:

1) 30

2) 40m

P5 Brooklands

Can you solve the 2 Lower Ability Maths Challenges?

1)I am 2 more than 5...

2) I am 10 less than 17....

Answers will be revealed tomorrow...

P5 Brooklands

Can you solve the 2 Middle Ability Maths Challenges?

1)I am an odd number .

I am between 48 and 51.......

2) I am a round, silver coin.

I am between 5p and 20p.......

Answers will be revealed tomorrow...

P5 Brooklands

Can you solve the 2 Higher Ability Maths Challenges?

1)If you start at me and count back 6 tens and then count on 4 hundreds you get to 740.....

2) I have 2 digits. I am between 16 and 24. I am one-quarter of a multiple of 10.......

Answers will be revealed tomorrow...
