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Monday 25th January

New week, new topic!

Watch the video to find out what our new topic is!

What's our new topic?

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Our work for today

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Literacy challenge- remember to check out the new challenge page!

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Try writing the sentence; A car has 4 wheels.


Whoever is at home with you should write it onto a page for you or print out the page in the link below for you to copy over just like Mrs Williamson showed you in the video. Then you could even try to draw a picture of a car too. 




Watch Mrs Gavero's video reading the book called Who is it?

Can you read any of the words too? 

Who is it?

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High Frequency Words

Revise the words we have looked at already, play some of the games in the document below with an adult in your house.  This week we are learning to read the word me so you could make a card for it and add it into your words to practise too.



   and      to       the       no      go      I       into


   Biff    Chip    Kipper    Floppy    Mum     Dad   


Number 8

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Today we are learning all about number 8. 

Watch Mrs McNirlan's video as she explains.  Can you count with her?


1. Can you have a go at writing the number 8? You can use different pencils and pens to do this or you could even write it on a chalk board or whiteboard if you have one. 

We have also added a number 8 writing page that can be printed out if you want to but this is not necessary, just writing it is enough.


Have a think about your number rhymes to help you remember how to write this number.





2. Can you say the number that comes before and after 8?


3. Can you make a set of 8 using things you can find in your house?


 Last week we thought about everyone who lives in your house.  This week we are thinking just about ourselves.  What makes you special? Are you really good at something? What do you really enjoy doing? Talk to an adult in your house just about you. 


Draw a picture of yourself and see if you can write: 

 I am (your name). 


