Welcome to our wonderful P1 home learning page!
Check out the Brooklands Book Week 2021 section on the website each day for more details of lots of fun activities you can take part in this week.
Would you like to come along to a Zoom session with your teacher, classroom assistant and friends on next week?
When: Friday 5th March @ 12.00pm
Where: On Zoom
What do you need? Yourself, your Teddy, a little picnic and your favourite book.
** If you are interested you must register with your child's teacher by email. **
You might like to send your teacher some photos of the work you are doing at home. You can contact your teacher via email. We would love to hear from you!
Mrs. Williamson - jwillliamson259@c2kni.net
Mrs. McNirlan - smcnirlan881@c2kni.net
Mrs. Gavero - zgavero153@c2kni.net
Play is an important part of P1. Please allow time for your child to play each day at home.
iPad and iPhone users - if you are having difficulty logging in to BugClub on an iPad or iPhone, please try the following:
Weekly Work Archive
Please find below our weekly work (beginning from week 6 onwards) for you to look at and revisit if needs be. We hope you find it helpful!
We love to hear from you. Here are our email addresses, please keep in touch.
Mrs Williamson - jwillliamson259@c2kni.net
Mrs McNirlan - smcnirlan881@c2kni.net
Mrs Gavero - zgavero153@c2kni.net