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Translating Shapes in Four Quadrants


Much like our work from Wednesday, we are continuing today to work within 4 quadrants.


On Wednesday you were plotting co-ordinates that were both positive (plus) and negative (minus)

Keep this in mind for today's work too.


We are taking this one step further today and you working on a topic called 'translations'. You will be doing this with shapes in 4 quadrants.


Many of you might not be familiar with this topic.

That's okay, just keep reading to find out more. 


In maths, a translation is when a shape moves from one position to another. 

It is important to understand that when translating shapes they do not get rotated or flipped.


A translation is described by stating how many squares it has moved to the left or right, and how many squares it has moved up or down.


In today's work you will first of all be given the co-ordinates of each shape and you will need to plot these on your 4 quadrants.


 You will also be given the translation instruction. For example 'move the shape 2 squares right and 3 squares down' and you will have to plot the new shape according to these instructions. 


Watch the video below. It will show you some examples of how to complete the questions.





Since this may be an unfamiliar topic for many, we would suggest that you begin with the 'mild' work and continue through the levels as much as you can.



