This week we are looking at the "u" sound (see Tuesday's Literacy page). For today's activity, practise spelling the more difficult words from your "Words for Sorting" page ahead of tomorrow's dictation.
Don't forget to log in to BugClub to do your daily reading please! If you can't remember your log-in details, please email your teacher.
Main activity
Today we are learning about limericks!
Limericks are light-hearted, funny poems with several common features.
Today we are going to look at some examples of limericks, find out about their features and then you are going to try writing your own limericks! If you haven't already watched Mr Massey's welcome video, do so now!
Then watch the video below as Mrs Bell tells us all about limericks.
Download the “Limericks” PowerPoint that Mrs Bell was showing us in the video to find out what a limerick is and to look at some examples. Think carefully about the structure and the use of rhyming words.
Then, see if you can complete this limerick by adding lines 3, 4 and 5
There once was a young girl called Sue
Who found an escaped kangaroo
The funnier, the better!
Once you've finished this limerick, why don't you try to make up your own limerick! Follow the instructions on the “Write your own limerick worksheet” and see if you can create a limerick that will make us all laugh.
You could then type up today’s limericks using Microsoft Word, add a page border and insert a suitable picture or two and then email the document to your teacher to put on your class page on the school website for everyone to see!