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P6 Literacy 27th January

Writing a non-chronological report Lesson 1

Look at an example and then write a non-chronological report about one of the P6 teachers!


This week we are looking at the "l" sound (see Tuesday's Literacy page).  For today's activity, choose some of your words and put them into sentences of your own (at least four sentences please).


Don't forget to log in to BugClub to do your daily reading please!  If you can't remember your log-in details, please email your teacher.


Main activity

How well do you think you know your P6 teacher?  Today we are going to learn about non-chronological reports and then do a writing task all about either Mr Coetzee, Mr Massey or Mrs Bell!


We write non-chronological reports to give people information about a particular subject.  Watch today's video to see how Mrs Bell writes a non-chronological report about Harry Potter. 


A non-chronological report MUST follow a particular structure:

  • Begin with a title - who or what is your report about (the subject)?
  • Introduction - keep this short - a key fact about the subject.
  • Use facts that you have researched and organise them into sections.
  • Give each section a sub-heading (mini title - what is this section about?)
  • Write in full sentences (not in note form) and include capital letters and punctuation.
  • Finish with a conclusion (a final statement)


After watching the video, download a fact sheet about one of the P6 teachers (it doesn't have to be your own teacher!) and then have a go at writing a non-chronological report about that teacher.


Remember, you do not need to include all of the information on the page so choose wisely!


When you've finished, proof-read your work to check

  • that it makes sense: and
  • your spelling and punctuation

and then please take a photograph of your finished report and email it to the teacher you've been writing about!
