This week's sound is the ary/ery/ory ending e.g. library, slippery, ivory
Download this week's PowerPoint to find out more about the ary/ery/ory ending. Then download this week's "Words for Sorting" (choose either the higher level or the lower level) and the "Phonics - homework tasks" worksheet.
We are going to follow the same pattern as we would normally do in school so...
Tuesday Today I have to sort the words on my list to find out which words contain the same spelling of the target sound.
Wednesday Today I use some of my words to write sentences (at least four sentences).
Thursday Decide which spellings are hard to remember and find a way to learn them.
On Friday you can ask an adult to test you on this week's spellings.
Don't forget to log-in to BugClub today
Aim to read for at least 15 minutes each day please.
Main Activity
Today is Safer Internet Day. The aim is to raise awareness about current online issues and to help us all to stay safe online. Click on the link below to access an online assembly as well as short information films which you will find interesting and will help you stay safe.
For some questions, you'll need to use a dictionary. If you haven't got a dictionary at home, use an online dictionary such as Oxford Learner's Dictionaries.
Higher Level comprehension
Watch the video below where Mr Coetzee reads through today's comprehension passage with you and we take a look at the questions.
Lower Level comprehension
Watch the video below where Mr Coetzee reads through today's comprehension passage with you and we take a look at today's questions.
The BBC Own It website has lots of great advice that you can dip in and out of at any time