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P6 Numeracy 15th March

Decimals - hundredths Lesson 7

Today we are practising multiplying our decimal numbers by a single digit

Warm-up activity

It's time to warm-up our Maths brains and today's activity is all about money.

Download the Money Grids challenge (choose either the higher level or the lower level) and look carefully at the coins in each grid.  Add the different coins across each row and write the total amount in the empty space at the left-hand side.  Once you've completed each row, now look at each column.  Add the different coins going down each column and write the total amount in the empty space at the top of the column. 

If you find this difficult, gather together a selection of different coins, choose 2 or 3 at random and practise adding them together to get the total amount. 

Main activity

Today's main activity focuses on multiplication of decimal numbers where there are two numbers after the decimal point (hundredths).  Watch today's video where Mrs Bell shows you how to complete your calculations and then download the activity below.  Set out your questions carefully please and don't forget to include the decimal point in both the question and in your answer. 


If you need some help with your multiplication facts, use the "Multiplication Tables Factsheet" whenever you get stuck but do try to complete as much as you can on your own please.

Extension task for higher level pupils

Download the "Money word problems extension task" below.  Read each question carefully and decide how you will work out the answer. Are you adding, subtracting or multiplying? No division today! Be careful – some questions may have two parts. Don’t forget to include the decimal point in your working out and in your answer please.

Reasoning task

Take a close look at today's "Convince Me" card.  

There are two missing numbers in this balance sum (remember, both sides of the question must have the same answer).  Is it true to say that "The second missing number is always even"?  Talk about this question at home and give examples to show your thinking.

Time for some fun!

Have you ever watched the quiz show "Countdown"?  In one of the rounds, the contestants are given a series of numbers and they have to add, subtract, multiply and/or divide to create the target number in less than one minute e.g. 

Our target number in this question is 69.  How could we make 69 using 6, 1, 8, 7, 7 and 2?  You can use all of these numbers or you may only need to use some of them.

One way would be 8 + 2 = 10    10 X 7 = 70    70 - 1 = 69

Click on the picture below to go to the Topmarks website and have a go at solving some of these Countdown questions!  It would probably be a good idea to start with a target within 20.  Good luck!
