Warm-up activity
Let's begin today by practising our multiplication skills with some more emojis!
Download the "Emoji Multiplication Mosaic warm-up 2-2-21", solve the multiplication problems and then colour your answers according to the key!
Which emoji will you have created by the end?
Main activity
Today we are going to continue with our work on finding the area of a square or rectangle. We love watching Maths Mansion in school so start by watching this episode which will help you to revise yesterday's learning!
So what have we learned so far?
Extension activity
Use your knowledge of multiplication tables to help you tackle this area challenge!
On a squared page, how many different rectangles can you draw with an area of 24 squares? Download the "Different rectangles same area challenge 2-1-21" and have a go!
Reasoning challenge!
Complete each calculation by filling in the missing digits.
Don't forget to take a photograph of some of today's activities and email it to your teacher please! We would love to see how well you are doing!
PlayLive Maths!
Log in to Education City to finish today's Maths and try some of our PlayLive challenges! Can you get onto the Brooklands leaderboard for this week? Good luck! https://go.educationcity.com