Mental Maths warm-up
It's time to warm-up our Maths brains!
Download the Division Wheels activity and see how quickly you can complete it! Try to do as many questions as you can without looking at a copy of your division facts. If there are certain questions that are harder than others, please spend some time revising these tables.
Main activity
Today we are going to look at Handling Data and revise Carroll diagrams. Begin by watching today's video and then choose one of the two challenges below.
If you choose the Lower Level challenge, you will be sorting for two criteria. Download the "Fabulous Films database" and the "Fabulous Films Carroll diagram lower level challenge".
If you choose the Higher Level challenge, you will be sorting for three criteria. Download the "Fabulous Films database" and the "Fabulous Films Carroll diagram higher level challenge".
Don't forget...
Reasoning activity
To finish today's lesson, have a go at our reasoning challenge! We are thinking about money today.