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P6 Numeracy 8th January

Co-ordinates challenge Lesson 1

Let's revise how to plot co-ordinates in the first quadrant

Mental Maths warm-up

It's time to warm-up our Maths brains! Today we are going to practise our addition skills.


Download the "Addition Grid" challenge, watch today's Numeracy video to find out how to complete it and then have a go! 

Main activity

Today we are going to look at Shape and Space and revise co-ordinates.   Find out what to do by watching today's video!


For your first task, click here to play "Co-ordinates Alien Attack"!  Select "First Quadrant" and see how quickly you can destroy each alien ship!


For more co-ordinates practice, you can also head to where you will find two co-ordinates challenges called Beak Performance and Sketch Show in this week's homework folder.


Then, for your written activity, download one of the three challenges below.  The answers are also available to download so, if you get stuck, take a look at the answers and hopefully you'll be able to get back on track


Don't forget...

  • Each co-ordinate is made up of two numbers. 
  • The first number tells us how far across to go.
  • The second number tells us how far up to go.
  • Plot each co-ordinate using a small x or dot and then use a ruler to join the points in order.


When you're finished drawing your co-ordinates picture, you can decorate it if you want to!  Your teacher would love to see your finished picture so please email us a photograph!

Reasoning activity

To finish today's lesson, have a go at our co-ordinates reasoning challenge!  Think carefully about each question and try to explain your thinking to an adult.
