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P6 other activities 22nd January

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Good morning everybody and welcome to Friday's PE lesson with our very special celebrity guest!!! Now it's not Mrs Bell like it was last week - today it is someone who is even fitter than Mr Coetzee and Mr Massey ... although he is not quite as muscley as The Classey One!


Our special guest has a challenge or two for you! He will probably tell you all about it but he would love to see what you can do with a ball! The ball can be of any size! From golf ball size to one of those big exercise balls you can do sit-ups on! 


What exercise can you do with it!?! Can you throw it a long way? Can you catch it? Can you juggle it? Can you bounce it? Can you juggle it with a bat or a racquet? Can you kick it far or high?! Can you play games with it like 'piggy-in-the-middle'? Can you invent a new game with it?!


Ask someone to take a video of you performing your exercise and then email it to your teacher! PS Look out for Mr Coetzee keeping his ball up with a cricket bat! ... I think he used to play a bit of a cricket! Or Mrs Bell doing 'keepy-uppies' with a football ... She was a brilliant centre-forward! Have fun and make sure all activities are attempted with adult supervision.
