Today is 'Safer Internet Day' and I am delighted to say that the greatest football team in the history of the universe is going to help us all to learn a lot more about what all of this encompasses.
I am not the best when it comes to using computers but I guess lockdown has forced me to become a wee bit less of a techno-dinosaur! I used to be able to just check the the internet to see how much better Liverpool were doing that Manchester United but now I can send emails, make videos and post thing on this cracker website!
Unfortunately however using the internet can come with some dangers. Off the 'top of my head' I can think of things such as scams, online bullying and becoming addicted to a screen. I think these things can be dangerous. Perhaps you can think of more? It would be a great idea if you were able to discuss some of these things with your Mum or Dad. I sometimes worry that Bryn is on his games console too much these days but I understand that it's difficult during lockdown ... but you still can't beat turning it off and going out for a good walk with your Mum or Dad.
Click on the link below so that you can access exactly what it is the wonderful LiverpoolFC will be doing on Internet Safety Day as a way of helping to make us even more aware of how we can stay safe! Let's hope we can all learn something new - and that Liverpool have beaten Man City on Sunday!