New Topic Alert!!!!
Today marks the beginning of a new topic here in our 'Something a bit Different' folder. Over the next few weeks you will be learning all about World War 2! There will be lots of different activities linked to our topic, in this folder each day. You may also see some of these activities pop up in your Literacy and Numeracy folders, so keep your eyes peeled!
Let's get started...
For your first task we would like you to brainstorm your thoughts using the KWL board below. I'm sure in P7 we are all familiar with KWL but if you are not, keep reading to find out...
In a KWL board:
K stands for what you already know about WW2;
W stands for what you would like to find out about WW2;
L stands for what you have learned about WW2.
Today it is your task to complete the K and W sections of this board. Don't worry about L, we will do this part when we reach the end of our learning.
Jot down your thoughts on what you already know about World War 2 (the K section). You might want to ask an adult at home if they know of anyone in your family (possibly grandparents, great-grandparents, great aunts or great uncles) who played a role in the war, maybe as a soldier or as an evacuated child.
Then, make some short notes on a few areas of World War 2 you would like to find out more about (the W section). Maybe you've heard of some events that took place during this time but you aren't quite sure what happened.
We would love to hear from you, so why don't you email us with your responses to these 2 sections. You might want to take a photograph of your KWL board or you could type some of your thoughts directly into the email.
Take today and tomorrow to complete this task, maybe you could complete the K section today and the W tomorrow. It's up to you, but use your time wisely!