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Today we are going to learn all about the sound that l/ll makes.  

First sing the alphabet song with Phonics bug.

Alphabet Song

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Have a go at saying some of the sounds we have learnt already.
Next watch the sound video for l/ll

Sounds Revision

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Phonics l and ll

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Can you write the letter l at home? 

We have added a worksheet you can print out or you can write some on a page, chalkboard or whiteboard if you like.

Now watch how phonics bug writes the letter l.

Write l and ll

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Sing along to the Jolly Phonics l/ll song

Woeksheet - Choose one of the letter l worksheets to complete

Story time

Mrs Williamson is going to read you a story today.  Hope you enjoy it!

Story time

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Watch Mrs Gavero's video explaining your work for today.

Can you help Mrs. Gavero with her problem?

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Click on the link below to open a worksheet.

There are two levels: counting 1-5 and 1-10.

You decide what level you think your child can manage and work on that one. If they found the numeracy challenge hard last week and had to count the sets each time instead of just saying 5 then they should continue working up to 5 for a while longer.  If they found the numeracy challenge easy and knew there were 5 in the set each time without having to count them out then they could work up to 10 or beyond.


Cut out the numbers and stick them in the right order.  You can either print this and complete it on the page or you can use your little number cards from your home learning pack and just lay them out in the right order.


Have some fun and give this 7 minute work out a go!

Remember to take care when you are at home, use your eyes and don't bump into anything.
