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Thursday 11th February



Today we are going to learn all about the sound that v makes.  

First sing the alphabet song with Phonics bug.

Alphabet Song

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Have a go at saying some of the sounds we have learnt already.

Sounds we know

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Next watch the sound video for v

Phonics v

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Can you write the letter v at home? 

We have added a worksheet you can print out or you can write some on a page, chalkboard or whiteboard if you like.

Now watch how phonics bug writes the letter v.

Write v

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Sing along to the Jolly Phonics v song

Jolly Phonics V

Story time

Mrs Williamson is going to read you a story today.  Hope you enjoy it!

Terrific Trains

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Make or print a number line from 1-10. 



 Click link to open a track that you can print.

Show me mental maths activity

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Show me the number after

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Watch Mrs McNirlan's video explaining your numeracy.

Click on the link below to open a worksheet.

There are three levels: working with numbers 1-5, 1-10 and 11-20

You decide what level you think your child can manage and work on that one.

Number After worksheet

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Play traffic lights  *Remember to be careful as you might not have as much space as we have in our big school hall. *


Here's how to play: 

Your grown up will need to give you instructions - 

If they say red then you stop.

If they say amber then you run on the spot.

If they say green then you run around.

If they say flat tyre then you hop.

If they say bumpy road then you jump.





Take your bike or scooter (or any type of transport that you can ride) out for a journey if the weather is nice out.  Don't forget your helmet!


