Today we are going to recap the letter sound 'g'. Watch the videos to help you.
Sound search
Have a look around your house and see how many things you can find that begin with the 'g' sound. You might like to make a set of 'g' things to take a photo of to send to your teacher.
Log into your Bug Club and read the book 'Night to Day'
There are also some activities on the front and back cover of the book that you might like to complete. Don't forget to look out for the bugs to complete too!
Story time
We hope you will enjoy listening to a story. Which P1 teacher is reading to you today? Click on the link below
Today we are going to think all about the number 1
Play Stand and sit
Children stand and then sit whilst saying the number words to ten. You could even try starting from different numbers!
World Around Us
Our first topic this term is WINTER. We have been having lots of very cold weather recently. Have a go at making some ice decorations to hang outside your house.
What starts to happen to your ice decorations after they have been hanging up for a little while?