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Watch Mrs McNirlan's video reading the book called Dig and Tip. We have also allocated this to your bugclub account for you to log on and read there.

Can you read any of the words?

Dig and Tip. Look at the pictures

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Learn to read new words

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We can read

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Mrs Williamson explains today's work - can you tell her the name for the rolling machine? smiley

Mrs Williamson explains today’s literacy

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Complete the worksheet all about the book Dig and Tip.  You can either print this out or an adult can write it out for you. 


High Frequency Words

Can you make some little sentences using the words we have learnt already and read them to the adult in your house, can they read them too?  It can even be a silly sentence that doesn't make much sense!


Mrs Williamson

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Today we are still thinking about length.  Today we're comparing for similar length. Can you complete this activity....



  • Use a shoe....can you find something else in your house which is just about the same length (not the other shoe!)






See if you can play this game and compare the objects for their size. Click the link to open.

Have fun!
