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Wednesday 10th February


Today is our Zoom meeting at 11.00am! We can't wait to see you all.


You will need to make sure you have made yourself a bingo card before you come. 

Make a 3x3 grid and add the numbers 1-9 in the boxes.  Use a mixture of red, blue and green pens to write your numbers.  


Here is an example:







Mrs Gavero explains today's work all about a big bus.

Literacy worksheets levels 1 and 2

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Literacy worksheet level 3

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High Frequency Words


Watch Mrs Williamson's video from Monday again and practice reading your high frequency words.

Part 1

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Part 2

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Mrs McNirlan is going to read the reading book Look up, look down with you.  Try to join in too.  You can also find it on your bugclub log in. 

Have a look at the book

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Words and Phonics

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Have a go at reading

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Mrs Gavero is going to explain your numberwork today.  

Number work

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Can you park the cars?  Cut out the cars and match them up with the number in the parking bay.  There are three levels, decide which is most appropriate for your child.  If you don't have a printer at home, you could show the adult at home where each car should go on the screen.




Do something that makes you feel happy.  Maybe play with your favourite toy, read a favourite story with an adult, have a lovely cuddle with a teddy or someone who makes you feel safe or even have a little dance?  Here's a song that's fun to dance to!

