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Wednesday 3rd March


Mrs Gavero reads the reading book called 'Hop, Swim and Run' with you and explains your work today.

You can find the book allocated to you for you to read yourself on your bugclub account.

Let's practice some sounds and words first

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Now we'll look at the book together

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Todays writing task

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High Frequency Words

Revise your words with Mrs Williamson. Can you find any of our words in any of your books at home?

Book detective - Wednesday

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We are going to revise our 2D shapes again today.  We looked at them lots last week.  Can you make a circle, a square, a rectangle or a triangle shape using materials you can find at home? Maybe from sticks, string, pebbles, blocks, maybe even the edges of some story books?







You also might like to try cutting out this 2D shape picture of a Teddy Bear. What shapes is he made out of?

Just click the link and print it out, the first page in the document shows you what he should look like when you're done.





To get you prepared for our Big Book Week Teddy bear's Picnic Zoom on Friday listen to this song and see if you can learn some of it. Watch the cast of Biggleton head off to a Teddy Bear's Picnic too!

Teddy Bears' Picnic
