Week 11
Hello P1 Super Heroes! We have now reached WEEK 11 of our home learning. We are so pleased that you have been enjoying all the fun activities we have set you so far!
This week and next week our topic is - 'SUMMER'.
Please find below this weeks activities, we hope you enjoy them
** Parents and adults - please make note of the new section at the bottom of our page - Weekly work archive - We have started to archive our weekly work so that you can look back and revisit different things if needs be. We hope you will find this helpful - P1 teachers.
High frequency words:- Please revise all high frequency words in preparation for P2.
There is a list of words you can print out. Ypu can either stick or write these words onto card to make little cards. Here are some games you can play:-
Pick a pair and read the words (even if they don't match)
Can you bring me...
Choose a word and use it in a sentence
Write a sentence using 1 or more of the words.
Put up a word of the day- maybe on your fridge.
We hope you and your child enjoy these fun ways of learning.
Remember to keep practicing all the tricky words that we have learnt so far. Have a go at joining in with The Tricky Word Rap with some very cool dinosaurs!! Click here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2lWkrFFbwg
Phonics - Now we have learnt all of our letter sounds we will continue revising them each week with some different activities.
Here is a nice video to help you recap some of our phonics.
It will help you to complete the worksheets below. There are 6 more letter worksheets this week. Feel free to have a go at just a few or the letters you might still find tricky. If you like you can do all 6!! There is a special section on each worksheet to help you with your blending skills too!
Learnig to Read with the Alphablocks:-
Listen to the story 'Sharing a Shell' by Julia Donaldson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KuSl9eXgpk
Spelling words with 'o' as the middle letter - You might like to begin using magnetic letters (or make little letter cards) to spell cob, dog, hot, pop before you complete the worksheet or if you are unable to print it out. Remember to listen carefully for each sound and find the letter you need.
*For this activity there are 2 pages to choose from. Pick one to complete or if your are feeling really good, have a go at both of them!!
Language page - Have a go at this week's language page from Phonics Bug. This week you are going to have a go at spelling a word for each picture in a sentence and then also to read and draw. Remember to sound out each letter and blend them together.
(Parents please note there are 2 levels to this worksheet. The first worksheet provides a single line under each picture for your child to write on and the second worksheet has dashed lines to show the number of letters needed. Please choose which worksheet is best for your child.)
Log into Bug Club and read the following books:-
Can You See Cat?
Top Cat
*Top tip for Mums and Dads* Helping your child to read can be a bit daunting sometimes. Here is a helpful video clip for you to watch which shows you how to help your child to blend sounds together when reading (this technique can also be used when spelling words too). We hope you find it helpful
Here's a great game for practising blending sounds together to read CVC words.
Mental Maths
Practise counting in 2's
Addition within 10
Can you count the pictures and then make the sum?
Missing Numbers
Can you fill in the missing number?
Other activities
In Summer we hope to see lots of SUNSHINE. Send in some pictures to your class teacher of you playing outside in the SUNSHINE.
* Please remember to say if you give permission for the photos to be displayed on the school website.
Here are this weeks stories for you to listen to and enjoy
Mrs. Williamson reads If I were a bee I'd dance on a sunflower
Mrs. McNirlan reads Down in the woods at sleepytime
Mrs. Gavero reads Bug in a rug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV7tL8NY1WU
Have a listen to BBC Schools Radio- At The Seaside