Week 12
Hello P1s! We have now reached WEEK 12 of our home learning. We are so pleased that you have been enjoying all the fun activities we have set you so far!
This week our topic is - 'SUMMER'.
Please find below this weeks activities, we hope you enjoy them
** Parents and adults - please make note of the new section at the bottom of our page - Weekly work archive - We have started to archive our weekly work so that you can look back and revisit different things if needs be. We hope you will find this helpful - P1 teachers.
High frequency words:- Please continue to revise all high frequency words in preparation for P2.
There is a list of words you can print out. You can either stick or write these words onto card to make little cards. Here are some games you can play:-
Pick a pair and read the words (even if they don't match)
Can you bring me...
Choose a word and use it in a sentence
Write a sentence using 1 or more of the words.
Put up a word of the day- maybe on your fridge.
We hope you and your child enjoy these fun ways of learning.
Don't forget those tricky words too - here's a couple of
songs to practice them.
Phonics - Now we have learnt all of our letter sounds we will continue revising them each week with some different activities.
Here is another nice video to help you recap the letter sounds from a-z.
I love the Alphablocks so here's another little video to watch to revise those louder sounds:-
Listen to the story 'George, the Sun Safe Superstar' by Kathryn Clifford&Chantal Renn. Find out how to stay safe in the sun this Summer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwyqaLnsi5Q
Spelling words with 'u' as the middle letter - You might like to begin using magnetic letters (or make little letter cards) to spell cub, dug, hut, pup before you complete the worksheet or if you are unable to print it out. Remember to listen carefully for each sound and find the letter you need.
*For this activity there are 2 pages to choose from. Pick one to complete or if your are feeling really good, have a go at both of them!!
Teddy Bear's Picnic Activity - to get ourselves in the mood for our Teddy Bear's Picnic Zoom session on Wednesday why not read the words of the song with a grown up and draw a picture of your favourite Teddy.
Log into Bug Club and read the following books:-
Big Fat Rat
The Bop
*Top tip for Mums and Dads* Helping your child to read can be a bit daunting sometimes. Here is a helpful video clip for you to watch which shows you how to help your child to blend sounds together when reading (this technique can also be used when spelling words too). We hope you find it helpful
Here's a song for practising blending sounds together to read CVC words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWn-qxUddqo
Another lovely activity for learning how to blend sounds. https://www.starfall.com/h/word-machines/word_machine_u/
Mental Maths
Missing numbers - can you work out which number is missing each time?
Teddy Bear's Picnic sharing
Can you help the Teddy bears share out the food so they all have the same amount?
Teddy Bear's Picnic colour by number
Can you colour the picture the right colours?
Teddy Bear's dot-to-dot
Can you complete the dot-to-dot? There are three to choose from, try Numbers 1-10 or Numbers 1-20 if you fancy a challenge!
Try this fun game and see how many different ways you can dress your teddy. https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Bobbie-Bear/
Other activities
Why not try this Summery Cosmic Kids yoga session all about Calypso the Flamingo who is having her birthday party on the Beach!
Make food for a picnic
Why not ice a digestive or rich tea biscuit and decorate it ready for the Teddy Bear's Picnic? Even if you can't make our Zoom session, you could have your own picnic at home.
You could make a sandwich for the picnic too if you like...what's your favourite filling? Cheese, ham, salad, jam, chocolate spread?
Have a listen to BBC schools radio Playtime about going on a Picnic.
Here are some songs we will sing at the Zoom Teddy Bear's Picnic too so why not practise them.
https://youtu.be/1_jNgirWeQY - If you go down to the woods today
https://youtu.be/666UZRBO5q8 - My Teddy Bear
https://youtu.be/76wc4xdgzGk - Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-the-bear-went-over-the-mountain/zmssmfr - The Bear went over the mountain
Here are this weeks stories for you to listen to and enjoy
Mrs. Williamson reads If I were a bee I'd dance on a sunflower
Mrs. McNirlan reads Down in the woods at sleepytime
Mrs. Gavero reads Bug in a rug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV7tL8NY1WU