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Week 6

Hi everyone, we hope you're all well and still having as much fun as possible, we've seen some great photos over the last few weeks - keep them coming because we love seeing them.

Please find below this weeks activities, we hope you enjoy them. 

We are continuing with our 'Fairytales' topic, focusing on the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Enjoy!!




High frequency word of the week is :- said


Phonics - Log into your Phonics Bug account and complete activities for the letters j, v, and x


Log into your Education City account. Watch the videos and play the games for the letters j, v, w and x. These can be found by clicking on Subjects-Literacy-P1-Letters and Sounds-Phase 2

You might even like to try the follow up work sheets here also!


The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Read the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' or you can watch it here



Draw a picture of The Troll with a speech bubble. Write the word Stop! in the speech bubble. You could use your letter sounds and try to spell the word stop.

Onset and Rime with the 'ot' sound - You might like to begin using magnetic letters (or make little letter cards) to spell _ot words before you complete the worksheet or if you are unable to print it out. Remember to listen carefully for each sound and find the letter you need.

For this activity there are 3 'Spicy' levels to choose from when it comes to completing the worksheet.

Spicy level mild - find the initial sound for each word

Spicy level hot - sound out the whole word

Spicy level extra hot - sound out the whole word and write the word

Choose the worksheet your child feels comfortable working at or for an extra challenge move up a 'Spicy' level!! 

Write a sentence - Now you have had lots of opportunities to 'Build a sentence' you are going to write a sentence. We will write sentences using tricky words and words we can spell using phonics.


Have a go at writing the sentence- The sun is hot.


Sing along to the Tricky words song

Remember to think about capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. You might even be able to use your phonics to sound out and spell the words. Have a think about your tricky words too!  

Letter formation - This week we are going to practice forming the letters - o, e , s, f (please see page 2 of attachment). Remember all these letters start like a curly 'c' shape. Don't forget to hold your pencil correctly too - Nip, Flip and Grip!!


Here are your worksheets to try. Don't worry if you can't print them out though!





Log into Bug Club and read the following books:-


It is Hot!

Tom's Mad Mop!


*Top tip for Mums and Dads* Helping your child to read can be a bit daunting sometimes. Here is a helpful video clip for you to watch which shows you how to help your child to blend sounds together when reading (this technique can also be used when spelling words too). We hope you find it helpful


Here is a fun Alphablocks programme that shows blending letter sounds using the letters s,a,t,p



Mental Maths Game

Education City


Log into your Education City page and play the Bon-go go go game. Can you listen and count the drum beats?

This activity can be found by clicking Search content and typing in 'Bon-go go go'


Time - Times of the Day


Watch the Numbertime programme Night and Day.


Talk with an adult about your day and what you do in the morning, afternoon and evening.


Complete the cut and stick sequencing activity.


Talk about activities that take longer/shorter lengths of time to do e.g does it take more time to brush your teeth or eat your breakfast?


Numbers 1-10


Use the Part- Whole model to explore the numbers 1-10. Don't worry if you can't print it out you can draw it onto a page. You can use any small objects to do this activity. Just make sure they are the same e.g pasta, lego, buttons, counters, play figures

Example- Count a set of 5 objects into the 'whole' section of the diagram. Now separate the objects into the 'parts' sections of the diagram. The whole number has now been 'split into 2 parts'.

How many pieces are in each part?

Can you find another way to split up the whole number?

How may different ways can you do it? 

Can you write down what you found out

e.g 5 is the same as 0 and 5

                                1 and 4

                                 2 and 3

Can we change the order? 4 and 1, 3 and 2?





Here are your worksheets. Don't worry if you can't print them out.

Other activities


Lego Challenge

Can you build a bridge using Lego to safely get The Billy Goats Gruff across the river?


Junk Art

Make a castle using junk that would normally go into your blue recycling bin.



Here are this weeks stories for you to listen to and enjoy


Mrs. Williamson reads Jack and the Beanstalk


Mrs. McNirlan has a special guest reading Rumpelstiltskin


Mrs. Gavero reads Sleepy Sam



Sing-a-long and do the actions to some of our favourite nursery rhymes



Continue to practise your Sprint Run.

Have some races at home. 

The steps are shown below.  An adult will help you make sure you're moving the best you can.




One of our Golden Rules in school is to be kind and helpful.

Think about how you can be kind and helpful at home.

Can you share your toys?

Can you help to lay the table?

Can you make a snack or drink for somebody?
