Last week we had a wonderful Zoom Scavenger hunt session, it was such great fun and so lovely to see everyone that we have decided to try and do a Zoom session regularly.
This week we are going to try out playing Letter Bingo. We would love you to join us.
You will need to make a 4x4 board and write 16 different letters from the alphabet onto it of your choice to be able to take part. (I have included an example below though you'd be much better just drawing out a table on a piece of paper!)
g | o | c | k |
i | n | m | d |
e | u | r | h |
s | a | t | p |
The Zoom session is going to be this Wednesday 3rd June at 1.00pm.
If you are interested in joining us then send Mrs Williamson an email to get the details (whether in Mrs Williamson's class or not). Emails need to be received by 10am on Wednesday so they can be processed in time. (there are three L's in my name on this)
Week 9
Welcome to Week 9 of our home learning! We are so proud of you all and we love seeing all your photos and hearing about the things you've been getting up to while you are learning at home. Don't forget to check in on your own class page to see what all your friends have been doing too.
This week we are continuing with our exciting topic - 'DINOSAURS'. We are so glad to see the fun you have been having!
Please find below this weeks activities, we hope you enjoy them
** Parents and adults - please make note of the new section at the bottom of our page - Weekly work archive - We have started to archive our weekly work so that you can look back and revisit different things if needs be. We hope you will find this helpful - P1 teachers.
High frequency word of the week is :- everyone
Phonics - Now we have learnt all of our letter sounds we will be revising them each week with some different activities.
Try playing phonics pop - choose any of the rainbow coloured letter sets down the side and practise.
Find out more about dinosaurs by reading this online book 'The world of dinosaurs Big and Small'
After listening to the book you could maybe try to research what the words herbivore and carnivore mean?
Spelling words with 'e' as the middle letter - You might like to begin using magnetic letters (or make little letter cards) to spell hen, men, ten, den before you complete the worksheet or if you are unable to print it out. Remember to listen carefully for each sound and find the letter you need.
*For this activity there are 2 pages to choose from. Pick one to complete or if your are feeling really good, have a go at both of them!!
Write a sentence - Now you have had lots of opportunities to 'Build a sentence' you are going to write a sentence. We will write sentences using tricky words and words we can spell using phonics.
Have a go at writing the sentence- Everyone had fun. Maybe you could draw a picture of lots of people having fun too? Your friends or family having a party or at the park...there's lots of ways you can have fun!
Remember to think about capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. You might even be able to use your phonics to sound out and spell the words. Have a think about your tricky words too!
Letter formation - This week we are going to practice forming the letters -v, w, x and z. Don't forget to hold your pencil correctly - Nip, Flip and Grip!!
Language page - Have a go at this week's language page from Phonics Bug. Remember to sound each word out carefully. Can you sound out all the words and match them to the right pictures and words? Also this week you are asked to read and draw. Remember to sound out each letter and blend them together.
Log into Bug Club and read the following books:-
Can Panda Get it?
Get a Pet
*Top tip for Mums and Dads* Helping your child to read can be a bit daunting sometimes. Here is a helpful video clip for you to watch which shows you how to help your child to blend sounds together when reading (this technique can also be used when spelling words too). We hope you find it helpful
Here's a great game for practising blending sounds together to read. You can try any of the phases when asked, the children have covered all the sounds.
Another nice little online reading game. The children should be able to sound out the words.
This Alphablocks programme helps us to learn how to blend sounds together to read.
Mental Maths
Show me-
You will need number cards from 0-10, tell your child a number and ask them to show you the card representing it. If you're feeling like a challenge you could try it from 0-20 or change the questioning to make them think more by asking them to show you the number before/after/in between?
We are continuing to look at money.
Can you count the how much money is in each piggy bank and record the total? (if you don't have a printer you could count on screen and record in a book) Don't forget to write the little letter p after the number. What do you think that p could stand for?
Enjoy watching this Numbertime money show. It tells us a little more about the coins 1p,2p,5p and 10p.
Addition within 10
Why not try out the fun dinosaur addition treasure hunt? If you don't have a printer, you could complete the addition tasks looking at the screen.
Count and Graph the dinosaurs
Can you count and graph the dinosaurs on the page below? Here's is a little video clip to explain how you would do this.
Ordinal number
This is term simply describes the position of something - first, second, third etc. Here is a little youtube clip to help to explain.
Log into your education city account and try out the tractor race game (search 'tractor race' and it will come up - it is the first game, tractor race ordinal number) Here's the link though I'm not sure it will work without being logged in.
Other activities
This week we are going to look at the Stegosaurus and learning some cool facts about them.
Have an adult help you read the facts about the Stegosaurus.
Here are some videos to watch so you can learn some more interesting things about the Stegosaurus. I wonder how many facts you can remember?
Andy's Dinosaur Adventures -
Or check out the cool Dinosaur fact file on the Dinosaur Train website. You will need to click the search button to find the Stegosaurus!
Hand or footprint Dinosaur
Can you make a dinosaur using your hand or footprint? Maybe you could give it a special name too?
Remember to send a picture of your dinosaur to your teacher and she will put it on your class page.
Here are this weeks stories for you to listen to and enjoy
Mrs. Williamson reads Dinosaur Firefighters
Mrs. McNirlan reads Supertato
Mrs. Gavero reads Picnic
This is always a popular song when we're in school. I hope you enjoy it at home!
Well this week Mr Coetzee has begun his activities in preparation for the virtual Sport's Day we are going to have on Friday 12th June so please check the main school home learning page for what you need to do in preparation each day. We'd love to see your videos too!
Here's a lovely little Let's Move activity you could try too!
Superhero challenge
Make sure you check out the exciting superhero challenge on the whole school learning section too...Mrs Graham has a wonderful video message on there for you to watch.