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Wellbeing challenge activities

We really hope you enjoy doing all of these activities. Get your whole family involved. Send your teachers some photos of you taking part in our well-being challenge and they will send you a lovely certificate for being a well-being warrior. 

Monday’s Activities

Connect with others 

You can make the most of the Internet and phone by keeping in touch with each other via Zoom or FaceTime. And don’t forget the joy of sending and receiving a handwritten letter.


Write a list of the people to make contact with every day/every few days.

  • Ask them how they are
  • Share what you have been learning
  • Write them letters, or a poem
  • Draw them pictures
  • Send them photos


Play board games


Now is a great time to spend time together playing games. You could play a family favourite or you might like to try learning or playing a new game. 


Today's affirmation and tip of the day

Tuesday’s Activities

Keep Moving

Just dance!

Put on your favourite music nice loud and have a good old dance about the house. Why not get your family to join in too! You'll feel great afterwards.

5-a-day Fitness: All Sports Routine - In Celebration of the London 2012 Olympics

5-a-day TV: The Ultimate Fun Fitness Resource for Primary Schools.Five-minute exercise routines packed with high energy, low impact movements. All the routin...

Listen to the story and have a go at some of the Yoga poses!

Still image for this video

Remember to breathe even when things get stressful or tough

Kids Yoga with Bari Koral: "Fly Like a Butterfly" by Radiant Child Yoga & Bari Koral

An update on the classic song for yoga. Off Bari's album Little Box of Happy (comes with a free Yoga Pose Poster inside!). Available at

Today's affirmation and tip of the day

Wednesday’s Activities



Pupils and teachers will wear an item of clothing inside out  as a reminder that how someone else looks on the outside doesn’t necessarily reflect how they are truly feeling on the inside 


We would love to see a picture of you (and maybe your family too!) wearing your clothes inside out. You can email your teacher with any photos that you take. 






Today's affirmation and tip of the day

Thursday’s Activities


Learn something new


It's great for us to try something different and share your experience with someone else. Try one of the activities below to help you relax and connect today. 



Why not try cooking something that you can share - don't forget it uses maths, communication and science skills. Why not try making some treats together?

Yummy pancakes to get yourself ready for Pancake day? Here's the recipe -



Or some rice crispie buns for a lovely treat? click on this link for instructions if you need them  -





Like cooking, getting into the garden is a great way to chill out. February may not be the best time to start a veg patch, but there are seeds you can grow indoors at any time of the year, like cress.  You could maybe plant something that you can watch growing. 





Reading is a fantastic way to relax, there's nothing like getting lost in a book and forgetting what's going on in the world! 

Why not snuggle up and share a story with the adult in your house. 






Today's affirmation and tip of the day

Friday’s Activities


Be Kind

How can you be kind?


  • Share
  • Say please and thank you 
  • Help at home without being asked
  • Make a card for someone 



Make a hug activity. Click on the link below to see how to “Make a hug”.

Today's affirmation and tip of the day
