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Chocolate Bars and Branding


Today we are looking at Chocolate Bars and their wrappers.

Each bar has its own colour scheme and branding.

Our eyes are drawn to them by their wrappers,

the bright colours, the writing, the designs.


Can you guess the Chocolate Bars in our game?

Mrs Graham will describe the bar, you guess which one!




Guess the bar!

Still image for this video

The wrapper on a bar helps us choose the one we want to buy.

Branding is important for selling chocolate.

It makes a bar recognisable and tempting.








To see the power of branding,

think of your favourite chocolate bar,

have a go at drawing the wrapper without checking what it looks like first. Then, look up a picture of your bar and check how close you were with details.



Watch the Power Point to find out about a very famous brand of chocolate in the UK.

Try our Chocolate Quiz to see how much you have learned so far.
