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P4 Home Learning

Tuesday 1st February

Home Learning


We are sorry that you cannot be in school today.

Please follow these links to find your activities .

Welcome to our P4 Home Learning Page!




Mrs Freeburn and Mrs Graham are looking forward to seeing you all back in school!


Until then, check out this page every day until we return.


We will be adding new activities in Numeracy and Literacy.



We will add a new book to your Bug Club account, so look online to keep up with your reading skills.


If you want to show us any of your fabulous work, send some pictures to your teacher using the email addresses below.


Logging into My School


New password is



Mrs Megaw's P4 readers can find information and learning on the Literacy Support Home Learning Page.

Learning Packs are now available to pick up from the Foyer in school for all of her readers.


Our Favourite Books

Still image for this video

Our Favourite Books

Remarkable Rockets and Perfect Planets!

Guess who made each alien!


Still image for this video

P4 Designed their own Chocolate Bars.... if only we had Wonka Vision!

iPad and iPhone users - if you are having difficulty logging in to BugClub on an iPad or iPhone, please try the following:

  • Make sure that you are using the most up-to-date software version - it must be iOS 12.4 or later
  • If you are using Safari as your browser, on your home screen go to Settings - Safari and make sure that "Block All Cookies" and "Prevent Cross Site Tracking" are both turned off.
  • If you still can't log in, try downloading Google Chrome as a browser.

All work below this point was set between March and June 2020.

Week 2 (30th Mar - 3rd Apr)

We hope that you have been enjoying your tasks so far. Keep up the great work! Remember, you can email your teacher some pictures of tasks and let us know how you are getting on.


Remember, keep reading your Bug Club books and completing the Bug Tasks.


Week 3 (20th-27th April)

We hope that you have had a brilliant Easter break! Remember to keep reading your Bug Club Books. It has been lovely to see some photos of your work and to find out how you have been getting on. We love hearing from you! We hope you enjoy this week's tasks and finding out more about Australia.

Week 4 ( 27th April - 1st May )

Bonjour, Buenos Dias, Buongiorno, Dzień Dobry, Konnichiwa! We hope all of our P4s are keeping well! Welcome to another week of learning. We have loved hearing from you and seeing pictures of all your great work! Keep it up! Ready for more? smiley


Week 5 (4th May - 8th May)

Welcome back to another great week at virtual Brookies! What have you all been up to at home? Remember to drop a message to your teacher or send some pictures of your amazing work!

Week 6 ( 11th May - 15th May )

Welcome back P4! We will be nearing the end of our Australia topic soon. If you have any ideas for new topics to cover until the end of May, just send us your ideas! We love to hear from you!


Remember to keep up with your Bug Club books.

Read 2 books per week from your allocated library.

It is great to see who has been completing these books weekly,

​​​​​​​keep it up! smiley   


Week 7 (18th May - 22nd May)

G'day P4s! We hope you enjoyed our Australia topic over the last few weeks! Thank you to those who have suggested topics to cover until the end of term. smiley Alexis from P4 Freeburn has requested World War 2, so we will be looking at this for the next 3 weeks.

Let's get going with week 7! yes 



Week 8 (25th May - 29th May )

Bienvenidos niños! We hope that you have enjoyed researching World War 2... this week we will focus on how the war affected children at the time. 

REMEMBER - Monday would have been our Bank Holiday, so...

kick back, relax, have a day off! 

Have a great week P4!

Week 9 (1st June - 5th June)

Welcome back to another week of virtual P4! You can still send us your poster messages... Your friends would love to see what you have to say! Remember our Superhero Challenge this week. You could be starring in our next Assembly! Superhero pictures must be e-mailed to me by Wednesday 3rd June. (See Whole-School Learning Page for details.) 


Look out for Mr Coetzee's Sports Challenges on the Whole-School Learning Page over the next 2 weeks! smiley 


Week 10 ( 8th June - 12th June )

We hope you have fun with this week's activities P4! Look out for a Scavenger Hunt in Literacy and a Marshmallow Challenge in Numeracy. We are also starting our new mini topic this week. Thank you Jagoda for your suggestion! We will finding out about Poland. smiley         smiley        smiley        smiley        smiley        smiley        smiley        smiley

REMEMBER - Look out for Mr Coetzee's Sports Challenges each day on the Whole School Learning page, leading up to our Virtual Sports Day on Friday 12th June.



Week 11 ( 15th June - 19th June )

Cześć P4! This week we will be learning some new words in Polish.blush

Have a go! Look out for Jess, the dog, teaching us how to use Grid References in Numeracy.


Mr Henry will be posting on the Whole School Home Learning page about our talent show, Brooklands' Got Talent! We can't wait to see some of our P4 pupils showing us their amazing talents! smileyyes Singing, dancing, comedy, sporting skills... we know that there is so much talent in P4 this year!




Week 12 ( 22nd June - 26th June )

Summer is almost here! Well done for all of your hard work at home! We are so sad not to see you to say goodbye, but look out for a special message before the end of term. In school, we would have been doing lots of art, craft and fun activities... so take your pick and follow each link below! We have also had a special request from Ziede to learn about one more country... let's find out about Lithuania.smiley

REMEMBER - You can send photos of your work to your teacher! We love to see how you are getting on! (    and )
REMEMBER - Keep up your great reading skills! Aim for 2 books each week. Don't forget to complete the little Bug Tasks throughout your book. 
REMEMBER - Don't worry if you don't have a printer. Try to simply write answers where possible onto a page, working from the document on your screen. 