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P6 Numeracy 29th January

Handling Data - Venn diagrams Lesson 1

Use the Venn diagrams to sort the amounts of money for two or three criteria

Warm-up activity


For today's warm-up, we are practising long multiplication.  Download the "Long multiplication warm-up challenge 20-1-21" and complete the questions to the best of your ability.  Use the Multiplication Tables Factsheet to help you if required.



If you have forgotten how to do long multiplication, look back at the Maths lesson from Friday 15th January and watch Mrs Bell's video where she explains how to complete a long multiplication question.

Main activity

Today's lesson is a Handling Data activity and we are going to use Venn Diagrams to sort amounts of money into the correct sets.


Choose either the higher level or lower level activity and then watch today's video where Mr Coetzee explains how to complete your Venn Diagram.  Everyone needs to download the "Get Sorted money 29-1-21 - all levels" page and then download the Venn diagram for your level.  The answers are also available to download.


Remember, you don't need to sort every amount on your money page but you should place at least 15 of them.  For the wild cards, think of three different amounts of money which aren't already on your page and try to place them into the correct set.


This is a great activity for explaining your thinking so please talk about your reasoning

e.g. I am putting 91p in this section because _____________________________________.

Reasoning activity

This week's final reasoning activity also features a Venn diagram.  Do your best!

PlayLive Maths

It's your final chance to get onto this week's leaderboards!  Challenge your friends and see if you can get your name into the Brooklands top ten for at least one of these games.  Good luck!
