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  • Path of Pennies raises £445 for Asfaw!

    Wed 25 Mar 2015

    To mark the end of Money Week at Brooklands, each pupil was asked to bring in lots of 1ps and 2ps on Friday 20th March. After assembly, each class went out into the playground and we had a fantastic time laying paths of coins stretching right across the playground.  Some classes even managed to bring their paths over to the nursery and back again!


    After break, the P6s in Mrs Bell's class were given the very responsible job of bagging all the coins - it took rather a long time! When we added it all up, we had raised a staggering £445 for Asfaw and his school in Ethiopia! This is a fantastic achievement so a huge THANK YOU to everyone who brought in their coins!

    See our photos in the Gallery

  • Manic month of March in Brooklands!

    Wed 18 Mar 2015

    What a busy few weeks it's been in Brooklands Primary!

    The P4 and P5 classes have been to the Tesco store in Knocknagoney to get a 'behind the scenes' tour of the store and how it gets what it sells from farm to fork.
    The P1s enjoyed a great day at W5 whilst Mrs Lowham helped the school celebrate St Patrick's Day in true, unique style!
    We have been learning about using and dealing with cash and coins as part of Money Week, and we look forward to raising a huge amount for Asfaw when we lay out our paths of pennies in the playground at the end of the week.
    Mr Coetzee's class are hosting our annual Bun Sale, which will raise money to sponsor our animal friends at Belfast Zoo.
    The Big Pedal is coming to an end soon, after 3 weeks of cycling and scooting to school organised by Mr Massey. Participants have enjoyed a break time disco, homework passes, sweetie treats and will end with a BIG PRIZE DRAW on Friday 20th March. 
    The Senior Choir will perform at our Easter Assembly on Wednesday 25th March when we will welcome our good friend Bishop Harold Miller as our special guest speaker. 
    Term will end on Friday 27th March at 12noon. This will be a non uniform day with donations of £1.00 per pupil please. This money will be going to 'Children with Cancer UK', one of the charities being supported through the London Marathon in April -which our very own MR COETZEE will be running in!!!!!! So please support Mr Coetzee's efforts on behalf of this amazing national charity! 
